Cliff Stevens is a Montreal-based blues rock guitarist who has a loyal following from years of paying his dues . Long-time sideman Cliff certainly slugged it out on the music scene for years , playing every show imaginable , from dimly lit dives to 14,000 wildly enthusiastic blues fans at the Montreal International Jazz Festival . When the alcohol and drug-fueled frenzy of touring took its toll Cliff left it all behind to become a taxi driver in Toronto , Canada. Cliff wrote about these experiences in a book co-written by his brother called " The Stroll " . In 1998 Cliff took on his most personal challenge , sobriety , focusing on his song-writing , embarking on a solo career.
" Better Days" , Cliff Stevens most personal release to date , is fueled by pure emotion . Cliff keeps hold of that blues-rock edge while applying his impressive guitar chops , and exceptional song-writing skills . Cliff's complex , rich , and detailed life is given to the listener with adventuresome and varying musical styles .
Cliff Stevens wears his heart on his strings! Simply put - Cliff Stevens is a great talent ! " Better Days " is a must-have for music fans world-wide!