This page provides resources to North Jersey Blues Society artists impacted by a crisis.
Available to full-time NJBS Member Bands (MB) with at least 1 year of continuous membership, current on dues, and in good standing.
To be available for services related to funeral expenses, theft of instruments, or essential needs (rent/mortgage, utilities, phone & internet, or transportation).
Requests will be awarded on a case-by-case basis but no more than 20% of the funds within the Artist Emergency Relief Fund (AERF) account up to a $500 maximum, and/or one benefit jam per MB in need request.
NJBS will fund the AERF through sales of the Jersey Blues Collection CD.
If AERF funds are depleted, a special benefit jam will be held.
Requests for funds will be evaluated and voted on by the Board of Directors and will require a majority vote.
Nominations for funds can be requested by the MB in need or anyone on behalf of that MB.
General Assistance/WorkFirst NJ: Provides monthly cash, short-term housing support, child care, job search & readiness
SNAP: Food and cash assistance​
NJ Family Care/Medicaid: Provides free or low-cost health insurance
​Jazz Foundation of America (timeline 2-3 weeks)
Blues Foundation Blues Musician Emergency Relief Fund
Provides social services and emergency financial assistance; career planning; health care and supportive services for short and long term care (Englewood, NJ)​
Emergency basic living expenses; 800-687-4227
Mental Health and wellness resources